Monday, July 14, 2014

Immigration Issue Sets President Obama Up For Failure!

        OK.  So now the Republicans are kicking into high gear about the immigration crisis at the Mexican/U.S. border.  Once again, they are setting their president up for failure.  They have cranked up their machine and they have caused a whirlwind of press, sound bites and debate about the current immigration issue at our border. They have repeatedly called for  their president to act, and have gone as far as criticizing President Obama for not going to the border to see the crisis for himself.  In an obvious, political maneuver they turned his decision to stay away from the border into "his Katrina moment."  Mark my words; watch during the coming days, Fox news will continue to report about President Obama's absence from the border.  It will be subtle one-liners and small shots, but they will keep his decision to avoid the border in front of us for as long as they can.  This is what they do and its not just the Republicans.  Both sides take great satisfaction in first; calling for action, then criticizing whatever action is announced, and then when the opposition try's to put those plans into motion, they will do whatever they can to disrupt and obstruct , said plans.
        They get a lot of mileage out of this obstructionism.  Think about the constant and relentless debate, interviews, headlines and of course the best grandstand of all.  The Senate Hearings.  Keep watching; there will be some form of a hearing or committee meeting to discuss how this immigration issue is being handled.  Does it surprise us that during a time like this, how many of our senators, and their staffs become Monday morning experts about immigration law?  These our men and women who will tell us that they don't even read bills and legislation they vote on, but now they all know everything there is to know about immigration.  Some of these "experts" didn't even know where Mexico was two weeks ago, and now they stand with the talking heads every day and try to break it down for the common man.  It's amazing. While they are telling us how much they know, they are also telling us, how much their President doesn't know.  I don't know about you, but I am pretty much fed up with all of them.  Frankly; I would prefer that they talk to each other, and stay off the airwaves.  It doesn't help, that this is the worst congress we've had in the last 100 years. 
     According to Fox News, President Obama has asked for 3.7 billion dollars to fix the immigration and border crisis.  The Fox report indicated that Texas Republican Representative and Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Mike McCaul stated; "Our view as House Republicans is that we're not going to write a blank check."  Really?  OK, Mr. Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, what is your plan?  Surely the Republicans have a plan.  After all, they have been making noise about immigration reform for a decade.  Mr. McCaul what should we do, and how much will it cost?  It's easy to oppose a plan, it's much harder to create one.  Where is your bill?  Is it winding its way through the committee process?  You've been the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee for over 18 months, surely you have some idea about how to fix the current problem.
        The Texas Governor, Rick Perry met last week with our President, and he has stated that he will not comply with President Obama's request to convince the Texas congressional delegation to agree to his request for the emergency funds.  "He doesn't need this amount of money", Perry told Fox News. OK, so now Rick Perry is also an expert on this matter.  What is his plan?  The Fox report did indicate that Perry has called for sending National Guardsmen to the boarder until more U.S. Border Patrol agents are trained and ready for action.  Perry told Fox; "This will allow the Border Patrol Agents to get back to what it does", said Perry. Responding to reports of agents now spending much of their time doing paperwork and accepting arriving families at the border, instead of performing Law-enforcement duties." Oh.  So that's the fix?  That's the inexpensive answer to all of our border problems?  Quit being ridiculous Mr. Perry.  We need a lot more answers to this problem than just more "Law-enforcement duties".    This problem has been growing and getting worse since April and your answer is; we need more policemen?  The call for more law enforcement, and the refusal to provide much needed financial support to address this problem are a means to an end.  This "end" has nothing to do with fixing the immigration issue here.  The "end" is about throwing up road blocks and hurdles, which our President will have to jump over, if he hopes to make any headway with this crisis.  I smell another Executive Order on the horizon. 

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