It is frightening to think that this kind of evil could have ever existed in our history. Even more amazing to me is that the Catholic Church is so purported to have been involved in hiding and assimilating these creatures within society. On this fiftieth anniversary of a trial which should have occurred many years before it actually did, I find myself wondering the obvious: Why would a church, help these fiends and why was/is it so accepted?
Mans twist on religion and religious beliefs makes for interesting study to be sure, but I have to ask; what were they thinking? While the Church in recent years, has stood up and apologized for its varied role in the holocaust and those whom they supported in its execution, I can only wonder; is it enough?
NOTE: Eichmann’s own son believes the Vatican was involved in helping his father escape Germany and ultimately hide in Argentina at the end of World War II; “There is good reason to believe that he received help from German, Italian and Vatican officials, he added.Support for their release (the sealed documents) has come from an unexpected quarter.Eichmann's son Ricardo Eichmann, an archaeologist in Berlin, says they must be made public.”
Politics ... Religion ... This blog has no limits! Give us more! Hey - maybe talk about sports or manly activities sometime! LOL!