Really? I don't think so. What do you suppose he is trying to accomplish? There was a time in our
America when it took more than a winning smile, bad hair and a television show to run for president. This seems to me, to be a lot more about ego than about doing something right for the
United States. What are we to make of this? Will he run, or will he not? Either way he's drawing time, resources, media attention and our thoughts away from the real candidates. Should he choose to run, what will that do to the electoral pool?
It can only dilute it.
I keep hoping that somehow the circus will stop. I hope the train will derail and all the crazy nonsense will somehow end, and we will have some real choices in the next election. I'm afraid and I am almost certain that I will be disappointed.
So on the Republican side who do we expect to see in the line up? Sarah Palin? Donald Trump? Michele Bachmann? Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee? You're going to have to do a lot better than this!
yea, The Donald has been such a huge financial success. No one knows how to keep everything they have AND file bankruptcy too, bet he can balance the budget. I bet he's extremely concerned about the plight of the middle income family as well - go Trump!