Sunday, April 24, 2011

When I was young; everyone was a creep !

As you probably know by now, Donald Trump is running for (the attention one can receive by running for) President of our United States. He offers a robust platform of 1) birtherism, 2) investigating birtherism, 3) yelling at The Today Show for wanting to talk about birtherism or his related investigations into the same, and 4) not hiring Steve Schmidt, per the advice of grizzled political veteran Meghan McCain. But what you probably do not know is that he is also America's foremost media critic.
Trump has mastered the art of media criticism through a patented technique: he prints out something on the internet, doodles his critique on it, signs it, and -- I guess? -- sends it in the mail to the author. He did this to Gail Collins of The New York Times, then to Juli Weiner of Vanity Fair a few weeks ago, and now he's done the same to Salon's Justin Elliott, in response to his article, "How Trump could run and still hide his net worth." His doodle, which refers to the financial disclosure form he would have to file if he did, in fact, run for president, reads:
Justin -- I have no problem -- I would, in fact, file early -- you will be very surprised.
Best wishes,
Donald Trump

By sending around these notes, Trump is not just being critical, he's also being generous. As soon as he signs them, they immediately become the most valuable pieces of media criticism in the world. They are probably worth more than early Civil War daguerreotypes, and can likely be resold for millions of dollars. (But they should be donated the Newseum, obviously.)

When I was a kid, everyone was a creep.  That was my mom’s word for anyone she came across who she didn’t like.  This word was most often applied to my sister’s boyfriends, salesmen, and anyone, who in the slightest degree looked suspicious to her for any reason.

I never really understood this word, especially in the context for which my mother chose to use it.  She used it so much and so often that the meaning had become generic.  To me, it had become just another noun to describe a person that my mother thought she didn’t like.

Now; thanks to Donald Trump, I understand the meaning of the word Creep. He is the walking, talking definition of the word creep.   

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