Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another Politician Caught Sending Racy Pictures

A Louisiana politician admitted to sending a picture of himself in his underwear to a city employee, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports.
"I had an inappropriate but consensual relation (sic) with an adult female and we exchanged improper electronic communications which ended (in) 2009," Kenner City, La. City Councilman Joe Stagni said in a statement.
According to location station Fox 8:
Stagni sent the picture via text message to a Kenner employee back in 2009. That text message was forwarded through Kenner's email system to at least one other employee. reports that the local official didn't mean for the image in question to turn up a city computer server.
Fellow City Council member Brenda Amaya criticized the behavior demonstrated by Stagni as outrageous, according to local station WDSU. "It's his own private business, but since he's an elected official, it's not acceptable," she told the New Orleans-based outlet.
The Times-Picayune reports that Stagni issued an apology for his actions in a statement, noting that he's "asked for God's mercy and forgiveness" along with that of his wife and family.
Stagni's admission comes in the wake of ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) resigning after racy photos surfaced of him on Twitter and subsequently in reports online.

You know; I was really thinking about texting a photo of me in my underpants to all my friends.  I had it all planned actually; I would wear my best drawers, use my best camera and stand in front of the mirror and then “click”; I would snap the picture that would make history.  What could be the harm?  I mean you know; it’s just a picture.  Now there is a problem.  Everyone is doing it.  Now it’s just too passé; too cliché, too overdone.  For me to stand in front of the mirror and take a picture in my Sundays best undergarments would make me just like all the rest of these fruit of the looms! 

I stand in front of a mirror and I wonder.
Would you like to see what I wear down under?
I have boxer briefs and I have a Kodak
If only I had a worthy six pack
I push the button and I hear a click
Oh my gosh you can see my Schick
I left my razor out in clear view
This is something I never do.
I push the button and I hear a click
Oh my gosh you can see my tick
I must have got it from the nearby woods
It had to of bit me where I stood.
I give up now, I’m having bad premonitions
This kind of thing is only for politicians.

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