Thursday, July 7, 2011

NOT GUILTY Of First-Degree Murder

After 33 days of testimony, 400 pieces of evidence and more than 90 witnesses, the jury in the Casey Anthony case has reached a verdict.
After just a day of deliberation, jurors informed the court at midday that they had reached a decision, and both sides in the case were ordered to assemble in the courtroom.
Anthony has been found not guilty of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. She was also found not guilty of aggravated child abuse and aggravated manslaughter of a child. But she was convicted on charges of misleading law enforcement.
The case against Anthony was mostly circumstantial, but as it unfolded she was portrayed in the trial as a promiscuous, self-centered woman who became a cold-blooded killer. The motive, prosecutors alleged, was to allow her to live a carefree life without her daughter.

The state's case theory was that a desperate Anthony used chloroform to subdue her daughter and then suffocated her with duct tape. Anthony then fabricated fantastic lies to cover up her deeds, they said.

Anthony's attorney Jose Baez told the jury his client was the victim of an abusive upbringing.

According to Baez, Casey Anthony and her father, George Anthony, were home alone on June 16, 2008, when they noticed Caylee was missing. They began a frantic search, looking under beds and in the garage. Then George Anthony took the search outside to the above-ground pool where they found a lifeless Caylee floating in the water, Baez said.

Well; what did we expect?  I think the tragedy here is that a little girl has died and the only thing we can focus on is our outrage with the jury’s decision.  Do I think Casey did it?  My opinion (from what little I know) is that she did.  Do I think the State was able to prove its case?  Yes; if you could see it through the fog the Defense used to obscure it.  The Defense team did its job!  With each bit of circumstantial evidence brought forth by the State of Florida, the Defense was able to plant a seed of doubt.  Doubt was the only thing Baez had in his toolbox and he used it like an artist uses the color fuchsia.  Fuchsia is an ugly color, but when used correctly it can bring a painting to life.  Don’t blame the jury.  Don’t you dare blame the jury!  They did their job.  They are a product of a world the Defense team and the Prosecutor created.  Their truth in this is the reality of everything they observed in the courtroom.  When all is said and done we cannot ask any more of them.  Everyone did their jobs; everyone, and yet nothing that happened in that courtroom will bring that little girl back.  We are a land of laws and whether we like it or not, today our laws worked.  You can’t have it both ways.  You can’t have “innocent until proven guilty” and then convict someone without proof.  This case was chalk full of evidence, but it was sorely lacking proof.  We will never know the whole story.  We will never have the confessions, the admissions or the proof we seek.  What we have left, as the jury files out and the books are finally closed on this case is our angst and frustration that a little girls death will never be vindicated.  Our only solace, our only relief comes from the knowledge that in the unlikely event that the tables were ever turned, we too might be granted the same benefits of the doubt and the same considerations, and the same opportunity for a defense team like Ms. Anthony’s. 

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