Monday, July 4, 2011


Glenn Beck stepped down from his Fox News show on Thursday after two-and-half tumultuous, controversial years at the network.
He kept the chalkboards to a minimum, and shed no tears. He also shied away from too many specific recollections about his show. Instead, he broadly reminisced about what he said he had learned from the experience, repeatedly praised Fox News for allowing his show to air and professed his excitement for his next step: the Web TV channel known as "GBTV."
Beck said that the reason for his departure from Fox News was simple: there was more that he wanted to do. The show, he said, was really a movement "that belongs in your home. It belongs in your neighborhoods. Not really television." He repeatedly directed viewers to his website, where the next chapter of his professional life will be centered.
The show featured many of the things that made Beck famous—long monologues, high emotion, mentions of God and Hitler—but, in some ways, was hardly representative of the show that made him, for a few years at least, a cultural icon and a lightning rod.

Well the day has finally come.  The show, he said, was really a movement "that belongs in your home.”  I would agree that the GB show was in fact a movement that belongs in your home.  Now let me think what other movements might one have in their own home?  . . . . hhmmmmmm.  The report says that Glenn was a lightening rod.  Again I agree; a lightening “nimrod”.  GB stands for GoooooooodddddBbbbyyyeeeee!

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