Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bristol Palin Lost Virginity While Drunk

NEW YORK (AP) -- Bristol Palin writes in her new book of losing her virginity to boyfriend Levi Johnston on a camping trip after getting drunk for the first time on too many wine coolers.
She awoke in her tent, alone, with no memories of what had happened as Johnston "talked with his friends on the other side of the canvas." She had vowed to wait until marriage. And she had lied to her parents about where she was going.
Palin, a 20-year-old single mother and the daughter of former Alaska Republican Gov. Sarah Palin, tells a story of "deception and disappointment" in the book, "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far."
The memoir, co-written with Nancy French, is scheduled for publication by William Morrow this week. The Associated Press purchased a copy Friday.
Palin's book covers growing up with her family, which she portrays affectionately, and the excitement of her mother's political life as governor and then, in 2008, as the GOP vice presidential candidate. But the main theme is her on-and-off-again relationship with Johnston, with whom she had a child and was briefly engaged while caught in a media spotlight.
She blasts him as "the gnat named Levi Johnston constantly spreading false accusations against our family" and calls him a self-involved slacker "who cheated on me about as frequently as he sharpened his hockey skates."
But Palin, self-described as a good girl and straight-A student, had been drawn to him and his bad-boy manner from the time they met in seventh grade.

Really?  You made a bad decision while you were drunk?  How many babies have been conceived I wonder; because momma was drunk and daddy was a jackass?  I think the bad decision started well before the first cap on your wine cooler was unscrewed.  Levi Johnston?  You couldn’t tell what he was about.  Your most basic gut instincts weren’t telling you to stay away from him, that he was only into you because of what he could get from you (under the covers and otherwise).  You couldn’t see that once he got everything he was after, he would discard you like a used condom.  I hope your judgment has improved.  You deserve better than this; your baby deserves better than this. 

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