Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Palin Steps On Romney's Campaign Launch

WASHINGTON -- The decision by Sarah Palin to either deliberately or accidentally step on Mitt Romney's presidential campaign announcement Thursday underscores a defining trait of the former Alaska Governor: she feels no allegiance to others inside the GOP tent.
Hours before Romney announced he was making a White House run in a New Hampshire speech, Palin talked to reporters in his home-base of Massachusetts, criticizing the health care law he had implemented. Later this evening, she traveled to New Hampshire herself, sucking up some of the precious space for political coverage.
It is the type of move that suggests brewing frictions inside a still-developing GOP presidential field -- a paradigm that the Democratic National Committee was more than happy to promote with a cartoonish video showing Palin's bus running Romney over.
It also illustrates a streak of independence -- if not subtle ingratitude -- on Palin's part. Romney, after all, played a not wholly insignificant role in helping elevate Palin's political career in the first place.
Two years before she was tapped by John McCain to serve as the Republican vice presidential candidate, Palin was in a rough run for the governor's chair of Alaska. After emerging as the Republican candidate, she entered a general election campaign against former two-term Governor Tony Knowles facing a potentially problematic fundraising disparity.
Into the void stepped Romney. As the head of the Republican Governor's Association in 2006, he poured thousands of dollars into airing pro-Palin (or anti-Knowles) television ads in the state. The money helped turn a close election into an easy-to-breath victory. But it wasn't without controversy. Democrats in the state alleged that Palin's campaign and the RGA illegally coordinated on one of the ads – an allegation that tarnished the clean-government platform on which she was running.
In his book “Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years,” Frank Bailey, a former top aide to Palin, devotes a lot of space to episode. He notes that well before the controversial ad, the Palin campaign was being called by RGA officials with news that they would spend big money on the race.
Story continues below
Hello!  Sarah; Ace Hardware just called and they want their wing nuts back.  Are any of us actually surprised that Sarah Palin is having a hard time showing allegiance to anyone?  What do we expect from a narcissist?  You want to know the pathetic part? She’s not even going to run.  She swoops in and steals his thunder because why; because she can.  It’s an irony that the man who helped put her in office in Alaska is the same man she just dropkicked.  Does politics have to be about eating your young?   Sarah; when you're finished sucking up all the press coverage from Romney could you please make your way to the nearest Ace Hardware?  Once inside simply place yourself on the shelf next to all the other wing nuts!    

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