Monday, June 13, 2011

Scuba Spiders: Diving Arachnids Can Breathe Underwater

Like eight-legged scuba divers, some spiders can breathe underwater using an air bubble as an oxygen tank of sorts. Now, scientists have figured out some of the fascinating details of this arachnid diving bell, including that it can give the spiders more than a day's worth of air.
While scientists knew diving bell spiders (Argyroneta aquatica) — spanning just 10 to 15 millimeters in length — used an air bubble to lakes and ponds, this is the first study that measures exactly how that happens and calculates how long the spider could stay underwater before resurfacing to replenish its bubble with fresh air.
"We were surprised how low the oxygen in the bubble could get before

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Great!  This is just great!  As someone who suffered two spider bites in the same area of my body at the same time, I have to ask; must I now be afraid to swim?  They’re everywhere. 

Spider oh spider must you really dive?
Isn’t it enough to say that you’re alive?
Must you now swim with me in a pool clear and blue?
You’re everywhere I am, you stick to me like glue.

Spider oh spider can you find another way?
Must you show yourself and ruin another day?
Eight legged nemisis; I bid you say goodbye.
Pesky ole arachnid your bite will make me cry.

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