Monday, June 6, 2011

Issa To Warren: We Have More Questions

WASHINGTON -- Republicans in the House of Representatives want another crack at Elizabeth Warren in the witness chair following a tense hearing last week, and the presidential adviser is ready to oblige.
At last week's hearing, Republicans and Warren jousted over the role of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which she is setting up for the Obama administration, as well as her role in the government's negotiations with banks over their mortgage foreclosure practices.
On Wednesday, Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent Warren a letter asking her to testify again "in the near future."
"In light of the inability of all Members of the Subcommittee to have an opportunity to ask you questions, and your unwillingness to provide direct and responsive answers to a number of important questions, the Committee would like to further discuss your plans for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the design and funding of the agency, and the limited checks and balances that apply to it," he wrote.
Warren looks forward to appearing before the committee, said her spokeswoman, Jen Howard.
"As the former chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel, Professor Warren appreciates the importance of and value in checks and balances," Howard said in a statement. "She has had nearly 100 one-on-one conversations with Members of Congress and submitted detailed written testimony about the CFPB each time she has testified."

Of course you’re going to call her back in to testify.  How could you possibly turn down another opportunity to get in front of the cameras and play your mind-games?  Let’s see; you want her to tell you how the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), will be designed, how it will be funded and the checks and balances that will apply to it.  Are you kidding me?  Who created this agency?  Oh yes; it was congress.  Who provides oversight of this agency?  Oh yes; it’s congress.  So now you’re going to hold another circus. . . . I mean hearing, so that Ms. Warren can defend her new agency which you created.  This is like saying; “here’s your ice cream”, then when she takes a lick, you yell “why are you eating the ice cream”?   I hope this time you’re not as rude to her as you were last time.  I also hope you don’t ask her stupid questions.  On her dumbest day, Ms. Warren is smarter than the whole lot of you!

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