Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner admits to online relations with women over the past three years

Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., admitted Monday in a stunning press conference that he sent a lewd photo to a woman over Twitter, after claiming for days that he was hacked. Saying he is "deeply ashamed," he also said he's had explicit exchanges with six women over the last three years, some of which occurred after he got married in 2010. 
But the seven-term congressman said he would not resign, expressing hope that he could win back the trust of his constituents. 
"This was me doing a dumb thing and doing it repeatedly and then lying about it," Weiner said. "And that's all there is."
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, with whom Weiner said he consulted before speaking to reporters Monday, announced after Weiner's news conference that she is calling for an ethics investigation "to determine whether any official resources were used or any other violation of House rules."
"I am deeply disappointed and saddened about this situation, for Anthony's wife, Huma, his family, his staff and his constituents," Pelosi said in a written statement.

Well, well, well . . . . . See what happens when you let the boys out to play.  Now what?  With all the power, money and arrogance in Washington DC it was only a matter of time before the best and brightest would become infected with the disease of stupidity.  I liked Anthony Weiner.  I thought he was a great guy, had vision and the brass to make things happen.  Turns out; he is a fool!  You see; it’s not about lewd acts.   It’s not about whether or not these women were consenting adults or whether or not these women were actually women.  This is about foolishness.  This is about thinking you are above a working man’s consequences, and can get away with anything.  Anthony; don’t portend that you didn’t know this would leak out.  You are in the business of controlling leaks.  This is about you thinking that if it did leak, you would be able to control it.  Why did you think that?  Because you; like your peers believe that you are all powerful, all knowing and untouchable.  You sir; are wrong.  You should resign.  You should not be reelected, not because of what you did, but because of your poor judgment.  We should not elect admitted fools into office. . . . . But guess what?  He will probably be reelected, and do you know why?  Because the only power we have over those with all the power, is the power of our vote.  Time and time again we as a group, we the constituents, fail to use our votes.  We repeatedly and unabashedly elect and reelect fools.  Anthony Weiner I really really liked you, but you are foolish and you should not win another election . . . . .  even though you probably will.

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