Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Eric Bolling Accused Of 'Revolting Racism' For Obama

Fox Business host Eric Bolling is drawing fire for comments he made about President Obama on Friday.
On his show "Follow The Money," Bolling criticized Obama's visit with Ali Bongo, the president of Gabon, by saying, "Guess who's coming to dinner? A dictator. Mr. Obama shares a laugh with one of Africa's kleptocrats. It's not the first time he's had a hoodlum in the hizzouse."
As he said "hizzouse," a picture of rapper Common appeared on the screen. Common's appearance at a White House poetry event drew loud complaints from conservatives.
Later, Bolling made similar comments. "What's with all the hoods in the hizzy?" he asked, saying that Bongo has been "accused of human rights violations and plundering billions of his country's dollars."
The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg called the comments "open, and revolting, anti-Obama racism" in a blog post on Sunday.
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Bolling defended himself on Twitter and Facebook, saying that he was merely criticizing the visit and linking to other outlets that had done so as well.

Really?  Racism is OK when other outlets do it?  That gives you permission?  What a disgusting statement about Fox News and those you hire to broadcast for you.  Why is it that Eric Bolling or anyone for that matter would find it necessary to turn to this?  Why play the race card?  I’ll tell you why; they have nothing else.  You can’t attack Obama for anything more than his positions on policy, foreign affairs the economy and the various wars we are fighting.    Isn’t that enough?  Now you have to bring race into it?  Sticking to the real issues has worked for all of the Presidents before now. . . . .  what’s different?  Oh yeah; our President happens to be a person of color.  For the first time in our history, we elected a black man to lead us and you Mr. Bolling and those in your camp can’t handle it.  Again; this is not the fifth grade.  If you are a serious journalist; if you take yourself serious and consider yourself a professional at what you do; you never would have chosen this path.  Barack Obama has more class in the sweat on his brow than you have in your whole body.  Get past the culture, color and race issues Mr. Bolling and do your f***ing job! 

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